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SportKompas Exergame

SportKompas Exergame

Introducing Sporti's Universe: The Exergame Revolutionizing Physical Activity for School-Aged Children

In today's digital age, it's no secret that getting kids to be physically active can be a challenge. The allure of screens and video games often keeps them indoors and sedentary. But what if we could use technology to encourage physical activity and make it fun at the same time? That's where Sporti's Universe comes into play.


Sporti's Universe: A Game-Changer in Physical Activity

Sporti's Universe is an innovative exergame originating from SportKompas and designed with a singular goal in mind: to increase physical activity among school-aged children. Unlike traditional video games that keep kids glued to their screens, Sporti's Universe empowers children to use movement to control Sporti's character while having fun.

The game is designed to transform ordinary computers equipped with inexpensive web cameras into exergaming platforms. By harnessing advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) camera analysis, Sporti's Universe tracks the players' movements and translates them into in-game actions and controls. This technology opens a world of possibilities for children to engage in various sports activities, including climbing, snowboarding, kayaking, and more.

How It Works

Sporti's Universe is more than just a game; it's an immersive experience. The game rewards players for hitting targets, for timing their strikes correctly, or for how accurately they execute the required movements. Players earn points based on a combination of achieving the game's objectives and performing movements with precision, resulting in a ranking on a 1–5-star scale.

Sports experts have recorded the lifelike motions within the game and integrated them using camera-based AI animations. This attention to detail makes players feel fully immersed in the virtual sports world, enhancing the overall experience.

There are currently 16 sports you can play in Sporti’s Universe:


Harness the Power of Movement

One of the unique features of Sporti's Universe is that the players' motions control the entire game. Once players engage with the game, their body becomes the controller, making it a genuinely physical and active gaming experience.

This exergame is designed to foster interest in various sports and provide schools and organizations across Europe with a cost-efficient way to promote physical activity. Computer requirements have been deliberately set as low as possible, allowing a broad audience to access and enjoy the game. Besides, Sporti's Universe is compatible with low-priced web cameras, making it accessible to many users.

What's Next for Sporti's Universe?

Exciting times are ahead for Sporti's Universe. The game is set to start player beta testing in the spring of 2024, providing valuable feedback for the end development. And here's the best part – Sporti's Universe will be available to the public in the autumn of 2024, making it accessible to everyone.

In a world where technology often contributes to sedentary behavior, Sporti's Universe is a breath of fresh air. It's not just a game; it's a tool that encourages physical activity, fosters a love for sports, and promotes healthy living among our youth. So, get ready to move, play, and have fun with Sporti's Universe!

Sporti’s Universe can be found in a beta version on the STEAM gaming platform:


If you have any feedback on the game, please let us know.


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